Monday 17 August 2020

Get Clutter Free

   Having a well organized house has so many benefits. Less clutter allows for easier cleaning, and less places for dust and grime to build up. A space free of clutter is less distracting to the eye and has been shown to help people be more productive and feel less stressed.

Here is a tip to start getting rid of your clutter:

An easy first step to grab 3 boxes, label them donate, toss, and storage. Go to a room you use the most, like a family room or kitchen. Start clearing out the clutter and clean as you go. You will be surprised how fast and easy it is to get a well organized home.

Call us if your toss pile gets big and you want to schedule a bin.

Friday 7 August 2020

Get ready for fall

 Fall checklist to get your house and yard ready;

Make sure you know how each of your plants and trees need to be prepped for winter. Some require being cut back in fall and others in spring. Cutting back your plants and trees ensures they come back better every spring. 

Prep your lawn for fall and winter by using the correct fertilizer for fall lawn prep. Doing this will help bring back a beautiful green lawn come spring time. 

Check concrete around your home for any cracks or severe wear. Cracks can become worse during the cold months so make sure to fix them early. Most small cracks can be fixed with an affordable bonding agent found at home improvement stores. 

Be sure to store away hoses and drain outdoor faucets and sprinkler systems so they don't crack during the cold winter months. Cover or store patio furniture and outdoor toys to protect from the snow and sun.

Walk around the house and make sure all the doors and windows have proper weather stripping. Good weather stripping can save a lot of money on your heating bill. Make sure you are replacing your furnace air filters and keeping intake vents clean of dust and debris. I like to set a reminder on my phone so I don't forget to replace them. There are also services now that will send them on a regular basis so you don't have to remember when to replace them.

Cold fall and winter months are the perfect time to purge and clear out the house. Give us a call to schedule a bin if you need us to haul away your junk. Thank you for your time!