Saturday 10 March 2018

It's that of year! Get decluttered

It’s That Time of Year! Spring Cleaning
With Spring on its way many of us are thinking about projects we need to start and cleaning to be done. I always find it amazing how fast clutter can build up, especially after holidays like Christmas and birthdays. If decluttering is on your to do list it might be helpful to have a plan ahead of time, so you don’t get slowed down when deciding what to toss and what to keep. Here is a list of questions to help make the process easier.

Will you use it? – If you’ve set something aside that is broken with plans of fixing it and a year or more has passed ask yourself if you even noticed it was being used, was it missed.                                                                                                                                      
 What did you get it for? When you come across something that you can’t remember why you got it then it just may be time to toss it.
What condition is it in? Another man’s trash is another man’s treasure is very true and a wonderful way to reduce waste. If you are thinking about reselling or donating items, it is important to look over each item to make sure it’s not only in decent shape but it’s safe to be used. Electronics that have loose wires, leaky batteries or missing parts may be better to throw away then sold or donated.  
How many do you have? Stocking up on items like water and emergency supplies should be something every household does. However, if you are stocking up on items that you don’t use often or that won’t come in handy in an emergency it may be time to get rid of the excess.  
Are you paying to have your clutter stored? Do you pay storage unit fees? If’s worth keeping or it’s time to get rid of it. Maybe clearing out the unit will help you save money each month which is always a bonus!  

Once you are ready to think about hauling away the clean out project Bin There Dump That Layton is there to help. We have bins of varying sizes to help with jobs big or small. Give us a call and we would be happy to help you find the bin that’s right for your job.

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